Photo diary: Altered at Cannes International Games Festival
About 170 players joined the Altered team at the Cannes International Games Festival (Festival International des Jeux) to share their love of the game and try out some special events. Fan-favorite boss battles made their return, along with booster wars and draft play at the Equinox booth in the TCG Village Feb. 28 through March 2. Some great hero was also on display, as can be seen in a few of the pics below, shared with us from both Saphire and Lokinox. Most of the team involved in the game’s development were around for the event. Zael, the artist behind cards such as Studious Disciple, Ordis Overseer and (my personal favorite from the Trial by Frost set) Floral Tent, was on hand to sign their work.
To see more from Cannes, check out Altered on Instagram.