Looking ahead: Marketplace and Print-on-Demand AMA coming March 7

The Equinox team is several days into their internal beta of the Marketplace and Print-on-Demand services, which means we’re nearing the next AMA, coming March 7 at 6 p.m. CET on the Altered YouTube channel.

The session will be an opportunity to connect with the dev team to get the details on the state of the services following the analysis and fixes from the internal beta. According to the Feb. 17 update, the team hopes to announce the launch date of beta phase 2. Questions from the community will be taken during the event, so consider this a reminder to note down what you’d like to ask related to these topics.

Chief Marketing Officer Eric Dieulangard covered player questions about the services in the Feb. 19 AMA, with these as some of the major takeaways:

  • The current goal for Print-on-Demand is to bring error rates under 3%, so the system doesn’t outpace current support capabilities at scale.
  • Cost per card hasn’t changed between the beta phases at roughly $1 per card.
  • There will be no price limit for the Marketplace, and while developing a more detailed filtering system is a future goal, it isn’t an immediate priority.

The initial beta phase ran from Jan. 13-24, opening the services for testing to players in waves.