Starter Decks
CategoryYzmir Starter Deck
Magic, mystique, the intangible if those words resonate with your heart and soul then Yzmir is the faction for you. The factions general p..
Ordis Starter Deck
Altered is a race, getting your companion and hero tokens together faster than your opponent is the main win condition. The Ordis genera..
Muna Starter Deck
You love nature and nurturing your garden? Say yes to cute animals or beautiful plants? Then this Muna starter deck is what you need. The ..
Lyra Starter Deck
Do you like to push your luck? Take a gamble on your chances? Flirt with lady luck and pull out a surprise win? Than Lyra might be the bes..
Bravos Starter Deck
Altered is all about racing, getting your companion and hero tokens together as fast as possible. If you like to speed and win in a quickl..
Axiom Starter Deck
Steampunk, industrial revolution, progression if I had to describe the Axiom faction in 3 terms those would be the first to come to mind. ..