Lyra Starter Deck

Do you like to push your luck? Take a gamble on your chances? Flirt with lady luck and pull out a surprise win? Than Lyra might be the best suited faction for you! Just don’t forget to bring some dice!

The rolling of a die starts with the hero of the starter deck, Nevenka & Blotch. By exerting (turning the card 90 degrees) you are allowed to target a character you own and roll a die. On a 2-5 roll your character gets a boost (+1 value on all regions) and on a 6 it even gains anchored (it stays in the expedition during the night, letter you score it twice). Just don’t role a 1 though, because that will send the character to your reserve, no risk no reward in the Lyra start deck!

Almost all characters in the starter deck only score on two regions instead of all three, but that is compensated by a relatively high score on the regions they do score in. This gives an extra level of needed attention to what you play where and when. Remember, scoring in the right region and outscoring your opponent in that region is key to victory. But even if you can’t get to that high score with just your characters, you can always throw that die and jump ahead, leaving your opponent wondering what happened and how it all got away from them that fast!


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Tips how to play

Make sure to read and understand your cards before deciding on what to turn into Mana. Ouroboros Trickster might seem weak with their 0-0-0 stats, but the on play die roll could make this 2 cost character an easy 2-2-2 scoring one. Being able to play them again from the reserve for 1 cost is even better and the rare version, on a good die roll, becomes 3-3-3 even.

Pay very close attention to what region you need to score in to advance, with characters having 0 value on certain regions it’s a shame to play them in the wrong expedition and not score for the region you need to score in.

The abilities on the cards can make or break your game with the Lyra Starter Deck, knowing when to Sabotage (discard a card from your opponent’s reserve), when to apply fleeting and when to resupply is extremely important in securing your win.

Getting lucky is a big part of the Lyra deck and having The Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion permanent out quickly can give you a jump ahead on your dice rolls. Sadly it’s only in the deck once, but if you get it early, don’t miss out on putting it down!

Lyra starter deck reveal video

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