Like all Trading Card Games, Altered has cards of varying rarities, ranging from Common to Rare, but unlike most other TCGs there is something unique about Altered…
Common rarity cards are, as the name suggests, the most commonly found cards in any pack of Altered cards. They are easy to recognize because of the black border surrounding the art, as well as the number on the bottom having a “C” in it. The top center of the card shows the grey rarity gem, to further point out the card is a common.
Example of a Common card | Another Common card example |
Rare cards are the borderless, higher rarity version of cards. Besides the lack of a border, they have a blue rarity gem at the top-center of the card and the number at the bottom of the card will have an “R” in it.
Out of Faction Rare
Out of Faction Rare cards look basically the same as rare cards, and actually have the same rarity as those as well, including the same blue rarity gem. The big difference between rare cards and out of faction rare cards is in the faction the card is in. Every card in Altered has a faction, but every rare exists in two factions, the faction the card’s common is in as well and another faction (out of the other five existing factions). Each rare card only exists in one other faction. Recognizing an out of faction (oof) rare is easy by looking at the number at the bottom, which will have an “F” in it and, of course, the faction logo is different from the common and rare of the same art. To better the fit the faction the oof rare card goes in, sometimes the ability of the card will be slightly different as well.
Example of a Rare card | Example of an Out of Faction Rare card |
The Unique rarity cards in Altered are, actually, what their name suggests: Unique. This means that each Unique is different in at least one way from all other Uniques of the same card, comparable to a 1/1 in sports card collecting, a Unique you pull from a pack can never be pulled by anyone else from another pack. Unique cards follow the same factions as the rare and out of faction rare cards do, meaning if a card exist in Bravos as a common, the unique will be in Bravos as well, but if that card has an out of faction rare in Lyra, you can find a Lyra unique of the card too. Unique cards in Beyond the Gates are limited to character cards.
Like all other rarities, unique cards can be identified by the letter in the number of the card, in this case a “U”. However the number will also have a second number for the number of the unique of that card. Unique cards also feature a lot of gold coloring on the card, making them arguably the best looking and easiest to identify cards of all.
Example of a Unique card | Example of an OoF Unique card |
The Rarities Side-by-Side
Examples of some more Unique cards
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