Rate my uniques

A lot of people asking in the Discord server if their newly pulled unique is any good. Some look to play their uniques, others want to sell them. In this new series “Rate my uniques” I will gather some of those uniques and will give my take on them why I think they are good or not. With consent, I will also show whose unique it is, so if you like it a lot, you can do an offer on the Discord server. As I played in these last few month decent few games of Bravos, I will start with that faction first. So let’s take a look.

Haven Bouncer

The first card we will rate is this Haven Bouncer from my mate: Chamos.

Rate my unique - Haven Bouncer

Differences with the rare:
This has a 1 mana discount while playing from hand compared to the rare and it will give you 1 in Forest and Mountain more. You lose however the 1 (common version) or 2 boosts (rare version) this card brings normally from reserve and you miss out on the Sabotage from hand. Instead you do get 2 reserve abilities that cost both 1 mana to activate.

Overall feeling:
This card is very versatile which I like a lot. Played from hand this card is nothing special, except the 2 cost. As Bravos tend to have a lot of 3 cost cards, having this discounted to 2 does help a lot. It being a 3/3/2 for 2 you get more than enough value on it’s own. Do you have a Foundry in your Landmark zone, then you probably always pay at least 1 extra mana for one of its abilities. If you pay for the Sabotage this card gets a 1-stat boost in Forest and Mountain over the common and rare version.

Playing this from reserve is were this card shines. You need to sabotage? Check, Bouncer can do. Do you need to remove fleeting on your Bladedancer, Red or Pathfinder? Check, this Bouncer can do. You need both? Sure why not, this Bouncer can do. This versatility is very nice. If you are not paying anything, which is also an option, you will get a 3/3/2 for 3, which is a slightly worse to the common card and rare card.

Verdict: 7,5/10. I would play this in a Foundry deck due the fact you can sabotage twice. Maybe in a seasoned deck for Basira/Kojo for the lose fleeting effect as well.

Axiom Salvager

This Axiom Salvager has been sent in by CrzyMinds.

Rate my unique - Axiom Salvager

Differences with the rare:
First I notice is the switched hand/reserve cost, as the rare is 1/2 instead of 2/1. The stats are also redistributed into 0/2/2 instead an one across the board. And lastly its abilities have an extra hand trigger Resupply and a paid Resupply instead of a free one.

Overall feeling:
I do think this is an upgrade over the rare. Bravos tends to have a plethora of good Reserve effect cards and sending one from hand to reserve for an extra resupply could come in handy. It is still a choice, so you don’t have to do it. Putting cards like Haven or Foundry in reserve can be quite good, and also cards with good support abilities like The Hatter can be placed easily into the reserve. Putting one away from hand to add another in reserve is no card advantage but also not a disadvantage, you will get more options. I would not suggest doing this on turn one. Adding a card to reserve, resupplying and at the end of the day the Salvager going to reserve will not make a good opening. But it can still be played as a 0/2/2 for 2 without Resupply if needed.

Also the Reserve ability is Resupply. You may pay 1 mana to do this, effectively making this card a 0/2/2 for 2 with Resupply. This is slightly better than the rare version due the 0/2/2 instead of the 1/1/1. I do think you always pay for the Resupply as it is cheap enough to do so.

Verdict: 7/10. I would play this over the rare version for the double Resupply.


We continue with a Aja unique. This card has been sent in by Giinoo.

Rate my unique - Aja

Differences with the rare:
This Muna card in Bravos is normally a 4/5/4 for 4/4 with hand trigger. This card has the same hand trigger, but now is also triggers from reserve. On top off that, you can also discard a character with hand cost 4 or more if you control two or more Boosted characters.

Overall feeling:
This is a high cost card as it is two and one mana more expensive than the rare one. To pay 6 mana is no joke. So I would not put this in a Kojo or Basira deck just yet. But this can change easily with set 2. We already seen a good card that might help this one a lot: Arcolano milk. Giving Booda and this Aja a boost can already trigger its discard effect.

For Atsadi decks this might be an inclusion. As the ramping up is what it wants to do and the 5/5/6 body is high enough to win a lane with. I’m not sure you will trigger its discard effect easily though. So you could play the rare instead and have the ramp still. However this unique Aja gives two ramps while being cheaper on the reserve cost.

Verdict: 5/10. I don’t see a place in a deck just yet for this card. Although it could be an addition for Atsadi decks.


Last card for this blog post is the Sakarabru from Edison.

Rate my unique - Sakarabru

Differences with the rare:
The standard Sakarabru hand effect has a condition now, you will need one or more landmarks to trigger it. Another negative is that it will lose 2/1/1, but it has the same costs. However it does have a nice support ability and a second ability where it will give 2 boosts whenever another character joins your expeditions.

Overall feeling:
I think this is a very nice card for both Kojo and Basira players. Playing from hand you will need a landmark to trigger its effect. As we do run a lot of landmarks already in those type of decks, when you got 7 mana you probably have a landmark in play. So I’m not sure that it matters a lot. As this card has lower stats then the rare, you might have a Booda or anchored char already in play to make this an effect set back for the opponent.

From reserve this card is great! 4 mana is cheap enough you can play one or two characters afterwards. Each character played will trigger its effect to give 2 boosts to target character. While the first trigger will resolve you already have a small extra value in comparison to the rare and after the second trigger this card becoming very good. Very easy to trigger Basira as awell.

Lastly if you are in desperate need to remove fleeting to safe a character from going to the discard pile, this one can be discarded and removes fleeting from the next character you play. Maybe it will not be used a lot, but it gives some versatility to the card.

Verdict: 8/10. I can see this be played in both Kojo and Basira decks, with the latter being the best user of this card.


So this will conclude the first rate my unique blog. Are you agreeing on these cards? Or do you see another not mentioned use case for these uniques? Let us know in the comments below!

If you want your unique be rated in the next post, send me (Marc, The Bravos Hatter) a DM on Discord or let me know below. Maybe I will talk about your uniques in a next post!

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