The First Steps

Hello fellow Altered TCG fans! This series of blogposts will be different from the rest they will mostly focus on my thoughts & stories as I begun with Altered TCG. It’s basically a letter to you the reader. But before I start writing about how and why I got into the game a little bit about me. I’m Nebula_Zer0 (Nebby_0 for short) and I’m the founder and head content creator of this little blog.

Now you will probably ask who are you to write about this new game and try to explain its intricacies, what qualifications do you have? To answer quite bluntly, none! I’m writing about this game because I want to and because I fully support the game as a whole due to it being a fresh breath of air that the TCG industry needed.

The only thing I do know is that I have a passion for Trading Card Games. They’ve been a common thread in my life. Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh when I was young evolved quite rapidly into Magic the Gathering. Which I eventually quit to start playing competitive Yu-Gi-Oh again. I could start naming every TCG that came after that up to this point but then I would start rambling.

Let’s fast forward a bit to about 2 weeks ago. I have seen the Altered TCG kickstarter a few times in the past but never paid it much mind until I saw some folks at my locals play it. I sat down besides them to watch the game but didn’t really get what they were doing or what the goal of the game was.

After a couple of games I asked how the game worked and I got an Ordis deck shoved into my hands and was met with learn as we go. The basics of the game got explained to me and after the game I was immediately hooked. Fast forward a week and I had opened several of the Kickstarter boxes.

Up till now I’ve been doing a lot of theorizing and deck building to get a deeper understanding of the game and its intricacies. Which has been a blast up till now, the community is great I haven’t met a person who doesn’t share the same enthusiasm about the game as I do. One of the aspects I like the most about the game is that it isn’t a combat focussed game. Which also in its own makes it a great game for board game nights.

As most of the community I hope this game will soar to great heights and become as big as some of the other Trading Card Games out there. If you made it this far I want to thank you for reading this beautiful little blog and I hope we can bring you the best possible content about Altered TCG!

Yours Sincerely,



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      Hello Kojo, thank you for your comment. We’ll be posting quite a bit of different content.
      But before we got started with that I wanted to share this post. Hope you’ll follow along for the road 🙂

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